Thursday, April 28, 2005
Whose wisdom is our party line.
Thy blessings manifest in green
For those who do not prices bind.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
If, profit-drunk and option-fed,
The GOP forgets Thy might --
The states that we still count as red
Will kick us out into the night.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
For cheap-run cars our bases shut;
Runways will sit 'neath storage tanks:
And cracking towers will be put
Among them to earn drivers' thanks.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
For oil the forts will close their gates;
Our votes with wallets are entwined.
The people will decide our fate
By how much fuel is refined.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
We'll beat our swords to pipelines and
Ain't gonna study war no more.
Election day will still be grand:
We know what drivers hunger for.
We'll prime the pump to spare this land
From those who would encuff Thy Hand!
Noting that no oil refineries had been built in the United States since 1976, the president also said that he would encourage the building of new refining facilities on closed military bases, though he did not detail where or how many.Hand of the Market, still unseen --
--N. Y. Times, April 27, 2005
Whose wisdom is our party line.
Thy blessings manifest in green
For those who do not prices bind.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
If, profit-drunk and option-fed,
The GOP forgets Thy might --
The states that we still count as red
Will kick us out into the night.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
For cheap-run cars our bases shut;
Runways will sit 'neath storage tanks:
And cracking towers will be put
Among them to earn drivers' thanks.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
For oil the forts will close their gates;
Our votes with wallets are entwined.
The people will decide our fate
By how much fuel is refined.
One thing might make our power pass:
The price of gas -- the price of gas!
We'll beat our swords to pipelines and
Ain't gonna study war no more.
Election day will still be grand:
We know what drivers hunger for.
We'll prime the pump to spare this land
From those who would encuff Thy Hand!