Friday, August 12, 2005
Don't be fooled by what the usual liberal suspects are claiming is a growing civil war in Iraq. Evidence that this is all just a Potemkin jihad (yes! I coined that term!) comes from a new musical just opening in Baghdad. It was obviously plagiarized freely from Oscar Hammerstein the second's original, set in the Red State heartland of Oklahoma. The title song is not the only one whose lyrics were twisted to make their terrorist point for this production of Al-Fallujah:
Don't be fooled by what the usual liberal suspects are claiming is a growing civil war in Iraq. Evidence that this is all just a Potemkin jihad (yes! I coined that term!) comes from a new musical just opening in Baghdad. It was obviously plagiarized freely from Oscar Hammerstein the second's original, set in the Red State heartland of Oklahoma. The title song is not the only one whose lyrics were twisted to make their terrorist point for this production of Al-Fallujah:
Al-Fallujah, where the Euphrates goes rolling by,Much more ominous is the frightening revision of the song about the farmer and the cowman. Now it is clearly intended as propaganda to praise the cooperation of those supposedly "deadly enemies":
And the bridges cross, though Britain tossed
Misdirected bombs to blow them high.
(Old Woman:) The Sunni and the Shiite should ally.
Oh, the Shiite and the Sunni should ally.
One accepts the Caliph picked,
One says that their man was tricked,
But to kill invaders they should ally.
(Chorus:) Al-Fallujah men should work together.
Mujahideen all -- don't be a foe.
Shiites can bring us bombs from Iran;
Sunnis can take them where they'll blow.
(Sunni:) I'd like to speak in praise of old Saddam.
He made us proud and built a lot of schools.
(Shiite:) His schools even took in girls as pupils,
And Shari'a was not part of his rules.
(Old Woman:) The Sunni and the Shiite should ally.
Oh, the Shiite and the Sunni should ally.
One man likes to wed for life,
The other wants a time-stamped wife,
But for a bigger cause they can ally.
(Chorus:) All Islamic men rebel together.
We're insurgents all -- don't be a foe.
Let the Yankees think we fight each other;
We'll be better off the less they know.
(Old Woman:) I'd like to speak about the WMD's,
Especially the nukes that can pound so good.
I am not saying that the U.S. should not have them,
But if they can then everybody should!
I am not saying that the U.S. should not have them,
But if they can then everybody should!
(Chorus:) All Iraqi men should fight together,
All the occupied ones must team up.
Sunnis can empty out the skull and
Shiites drink from the bloody cup.