
Saturday, May 08, 2004

In Old Europe the Green Party has actually made their opposition to Bush a plank of their platform. One of their "thinkers", Daniel Cohn Bendit, says:
"Wir müssen als Europäer alles ermöglichen, damit diese Bush-Administration im November abgewählt wird".
It's on their own site HERE. They've gone farther and mocked Our Fearless Leader in a campaign poster, which uses multiple images of him as an argument against cloning. (See it for yourself HERE.)

Not content with hoping to beat Bush this fall, they object to letting him exercise power for the rest of his term. Danny-boy goes on to say:
"Im Grunde müsste man US-Präsidenten verbieten, im Wahlkampf irgendeine Entscheidung zum Nahen Osten zu treffen."
Today this call to forbid Presidents from making decisions during elections may seem silly. George has proven, by ignoring the almost universal calls for Rummy to jump or be pushed, that he is perfectly capable of ignoring editorials. But what about some future day, if someone like the Clenis is in the White House, putting policy on a Procrustean bed of polls? He might precipitously pull out of Vietnam Iraq.

Those appeasing leftists are right about one thing. World security is too important to be left to the fleeting whims of elections. (They are just wrong about what the correct policy should be.) Their solitary insight is part of a growing trend across the world. In Asia:
"Beijing leaders told the people of Hong Kong - who thought they had a right to elect their chief executive - that universal suffrage is ruled out. ... Hong Kong's business leaders readily admit they fear that direct elections would just lead to higher taxes. ... Hong Kong's democrats walked out on Mr. Qiao as he made his announcement, while Hong Kong's tycoons cheered him on."
Of course, opposition by the rich to popular rule is nothing new, but even the middle class is giving up on that game. In Latin America:
"According to a new United Nations study, people here are losing faith in democracy - even as the region's economy grows. Political freedoms have not brought financial gain to the masses, half of whom say they would support an authoritarian regime if it resolved economic problems."
George's wonderful economic policies should ensure the full support of those who still have productive jobs. Soon only the poor, and a few ivory tower professors, will still believe in genuine free elections. Technology, in the form of voting machine software, can lessen their impact whenever the contest is close. To discourage enough of them to keep it that way, the results of a brilliant experiment in Indonesia are very good news for those of us who hate democrats (with either capital or small letters). This is a technique which we can use to keep lots of voters away from the polls:
"An independent investigation revealed on Thursday that the indelible ink used to mark the fingers of voters during the general election on April 5 could cause skin infections and even trigger cancer. ...some of them suffered from itching and a burning sensation that lasted for 20 days ...laboratory tests ... revealed that it contained a prohibited colorant, crystal violet. He said the United Nations had long prohibited the use of crystal violet. The colorant had also been banned in Singapore in 1992 and Malaysia in 1998."
(The article on this has been taken down, so no liberal alarmists can see it, but it's been excerpted at Hot Buttered Death.)

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