Wednesday, July 02, 2008
You People Are So Superstitious....
Schadenfreude of the summer: watching those within the Democrat (sick) Party infected with O.D.S. (Obama Derangement Syndrome) tying themselves into Gordian Nots to justify defecting to McCrash. They've even gone so far as trumpeting imaginary videos of harridian hateshrieks. That only discredits them to the real world, not in their own denying eyes. But they are amateurs: one doesn't need to make up material, when a simple change of POV can work even better.
For instance, consider these numbers from the ever-fascinating poll cruncher FiveThirtyEight (his current projection is Obama with 312 electoral votes):
This is all intended to refute the WaPo's hatchet job about an allegedly improper discount on a home mortgage. What he doesn't mention is this:
BHO's rating should have gotten him not 30, but 50 basis points of discount. The question is not why did he get 30 points, but why didn't he get those extra 20? What dark secret must have turned up in the credit report that caused them to penalize him 20 points? When will he reveal the hidden truth by releasing his entire credit report from the lender? Just what is he trying to hide?
Ahem. See, that's how it's done, as demonstrated by numerous examples at the site of Michellibelle the Address Revealer (unlinked here forevermore). I'm sure that certain sites will have someone posting about this as soon as they can steal this spin.
Subbasement line: this tampaxtuousness in the tea room is totally titterable in that the Beer Baroness' Bought Boy isn't going to win anyway. We only set him up as the Sacrifice Flyer this year when we knew we'd lose regardless. This way we won't ever have to worry about him again. But Donkeycrats never grasp the really big picture.
For instance, consider these numbers from the ever-fascinating poll cruncher FiveThirtyEight (his current projection is Obama with 312 electoral votes):
Obama's mortgage rate was 5.625 percent; the Washington Post cites databases stating that the average rate on comparable properties was 5.93 percent.He goes on to cite information about the Senator's economic status, including "Obama had just gotten a $2.27 million book deal from Random House -- about $1 million more than the value of the mortgage," winding up saying "I would think that the Obamas were exceptionally creditworthy."
So Obama's rate was 30 basis points better than the average. However, the amount of the loan and the nature of the property are not the only factors that determine a mortgage rate. Another major consideration is the creditworthiness of the borrower. According to current rate quotes from, a borrower with very good credit can expect a mortgage rate about 30 basis points better than someone with pretty good credit, and a borrower with excellent credit can expect about a 50 basis point discount.
This is all intended to refute the WaPo's hatchet job about an allegedly improper discount on a home mortgage. What he doesn't mention is this:
BHO's rating should have gotten him not 30, but 50 basis points of discount. The question is not why did he get 30 points, but why didn't he get those extra 20? What dark secret must have turned up in the credit report that caused them to penalize him 20 points? When will he reveal the hidden truth by releasing his entire credit report from the lender? Just what is he trying to hide?
Ahem. See, that's how it's done, as demonstrated by numerous examples at the site of Michellibelle the Address Revealer (unlinked here forevermore). I'm sure that certain sites will have someone posting about this as soon as they can steal this spin.
Subbasement line: this tampaxtuousness in the tea room is totally titterable in that the Beer Baroness' Bought Boy isn't going to win anyway. We only set him up as the Sacrifice Flyer this year when we knew we'd lose regardless. This way we won't ever have to worry about him again. But Donkeycrats never grasp the really big picture.